The Power of Portions: A Guide to Quarterly Planning

The Power of Portions: A Guide to Quarterly Planning

The Power of Portions: A Guide to Quarterly Planning

Imagine you’re setting off on a big journey through completely uncharted territory. Annual planning is like drawing a detailed map for the entire trip, while quarterly planning breaks that map into smaller, more manageable sections. By focusing on 90 days at a time, leaders can set clear, short-term goals that serve as stepping stones toward the bigger annual vision, making sure every step contributes to the overall journey.

Quarterly plans are flexible, acting as living documents that can be adapted as needed. This means you can make changes without throwing off your long-term vision, keeping your team agile and ready for anything. Quarterly reviews give you the chance to check in on progress, tackle any roadblocks, and adjust strategies as needed. Whether market trends shift or unexpected challenges pop up, staying adaptable helps keep your company competitive and responsive.

At &Marketing, we run on EOS—which (in our opinion) is the best at helping business leaders define their vision and keep everyone aligned, crucial for both quarterly and annual planning. Keep reading this quarterly planning guide to find out the best ways to plan your quarterly meetings for everyone’s benefit. 

Quarterly Plan Must-Haves

As you draft your next quarterly plan, include the following nuggets.

  • Review of the previous quarter. Analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand what worked well and what needs improvement. Identify completed projects or milestones. Highlight areas where goals fell short and brainstorm reasons behind the shortfall.
  • Milestones and performance metrics. Set clear milestones for tracking progress within the new quarter. Defining KPIs will help you measure your team’s quarterly progress and performance.
  • Key focus areas for the upcoming quarter. Outline 2-3 high-level priorities for the quarter that align well with annual goals. Consider seasonal trends, upcoming marketing campaigns, or product launches.
  • Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Develop clear, measurable objectives for each focus area. Break down large goals into smaller, achievable tasks with deadlines. Ensure these goals are relevant to the overall business strategy. Using EOS terms – these are your Rocks for the quarter.
  • Action plans and initiatives. Define specific projects or initiatives needed to achieve each goal. Outline a step-by-step process for each initiative, with clear ownership assigned. Include timelines and milestones to track progress throughout the quarter.
  • Resource allocation. Identify the resources needed to execute the plan, including personnel, budget, equipment, and software. Allocate resources efficiently to support priority initiatives.
  • Risk management. Brainstorm potential risks that could hinder progress on goals. Develop contingency plans to mitigate these risks or adapt strategies, if necessary.
  • Communication plan. Define how team members will communicate progress to each other and other stakeholders. Determine the frequency of progress reports and meetings.

How to run a quarterly planning meeting

Crafting a solid quarterly plan will keep your team focused and drive results. Use the following checklist to ensure you’ve created a productive, effective quarterly planning session. Each item is a building block to lay the groundwork for a successful next quarter.

Not sure how long quarterly planning should take? A typical quarterly planning session among leadership teams should take a full day, with some flexibility depending on your team’s specific needs. Small to medium companies may also need less (or more) time than global organizations. We’ve included an approximate timeline for each section.

  • Team check-in (30 min.): Encourage team members to share a personal win and business success from the previous quarter. Teams can offer updates on what they see as working well and what needs improvement. You can also ask each team to share its expectations for the upcoming planning session.

    Use this check-in as a transition to help teams debrief from the previous quarter, stay informed, and understand each other’s perspectives. It fosters a sense of shared responsibility and provides a moment to pause and reflect on your company’s current state.

  • Previous quarter review (30 min.): During this block, teams review the past quarter’s key objectives (Rocks) and assess completion. Your goal? A minimum of 80% completion. The review offers another chance to discuss what worked — and what didn’t — regarding goal setting and achievement. It also allows teams to discuss lessons learned and become more effective planners for the future.
  • Vision review and issue identification (1 hour): This agenda item involves revisiting the annual plan’s vision and strategic plan and confirming everyone’s continued alignment with the core principles outlined in the plan. This exercise reignites team commitment to the vision and verifies everyone’s on the same page. Once the vision is clear, the team can identify and articulate any challenges, concerns, ideas, opportunities, or roadblocks that could impact achieving the vision.
  • Establishing the next quarter’s priorities (1-2 hours): Now, the team should work to reach a consensus on the most critical goals for the next three months. You can use your understanding of the overall vision and list of issues to determine top priorities, eventually whittling that list to 3-7 that will significantly impact the company’s success in the coming quarter.

    Once these priorities are established, each leadership team member defines their own 3-7 priorities for the next 90 days. This process creates a laser focus for the entire organization until the next quarterly meeting.

  • Addressing key issues (2-4 hours): This agenda item tackles the other issues identified previously. The team selects the top three most critical issues and addresses them in a three-step process. Step one: define the core issue. Step two: an honest, open discussion about the issue. Step three: identify the best solution to eliminate it permanently. The team uses this approach for each issue that is prioritized as crucial for resolution.
  • Next steps (5-15 min.): This section recaps all action items generated throughout the day and confirms that everyone is accountable for their commitments and priorities.
  • Wrap-up (5-15 min.): Everyone benefits from taking five minutes to reflect on the day. Encourage each team member to share their overall feedback, whether their expectations were met, and rate the day on a scale of 1-10. Your goal? Achieving an average rating of 8+ with honest, open feedback from all participants.

    If ratings fall below your benchmark, work with the team to understand why and identify areas of improvement for future planning sessions. By your quarterly planning session’s end, your team should feel completely aligned with one another, with clear priorities set for the coming quarter and all key issues resolved (or on their way to resolution).

How to do quarterly product planning

Is quarterly product planning also on your agenda? Here’s a quick breakdown of the critical steps involved.

  • Review and analyze previous quarter performance, looking at key metrics, including user growth, feature adoption, customer satisfaction ratings, and revenue generated (if applicable). Identify successes and areas for improvement.
  • Research and evaluate current market trends that might impact your product — think new technologies, competitor activity, or evolving customer needs.
  • Ensure your product roadmap aligns with your company’s overall quarterly objectives. Consider factors like revenue targets, marketing campaigns, or upcoming business milestones.
  • Facilitate brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for new features, product improvements, or potential marketing initiatives related to your product.
  • Don’t try to do everything at once! Prioritize ruthlessly by assessing each idea’s value and feasibility. Focus on the ideas that will most significantly impact achieving your goals within the quarter.
  • Break down those ideas into user stories that clearly define the features and functionalities you hope to develop.
  • Establish clear milestones and deadlines for each user story within the roadmap.
  • Allocate resources (teams, budget) effectively to ensure successful execution of the roadmap.
  • Communicate the roadmap effectively to all stakeholders, including development teams, marketing, sales, and customer support.

Quarterly product planning is an iterative process. You may need to adapt your roadmap based on market feedback, user testing results, or unforeseen challenges. Conduct regular check-ins to monitor progress and course correct as needed.

What are examples of quarterly goals?

As you draft your quarterly planning agenda, consider the goals to include. Look at your annual plan — your roadmap — for inspiration. Your destination remains the same, but perhaps your route has changed from Q1 to Q3.

Common goals that appear on some or each quarterly agenda can include:

  • Increasing market share by X%.
  • Growing revenue by Y%.
  • Reducing customer acquisition cost by Z%.
  • Improving lead conversion by A%.
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction by B points.
  • Launching X new products or services.

Quarterly planning empowers you to chart a clear course for your company, one focused quarter at a time. A little thought and planning will help you and all stakeholders, from department heads to executive leadership to team members, navigate the process efficiently and effectively.

While these meetings typically last a few hours to a full day, prioritize focused discussion and avoid information overload. Assign ownership and deadlines to all action items to ensure accountability. A well-defined plan and commitment to execution will position your team to achieve success and reach its goals throughout the quarter.

At &Marketing, a fractional CMO can help run your quarterly planning sessions and great the detailed roadmap you need to spur growth and meet your yearly goals. Download our overview to learn more about our fCMO services and matching process.

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About Author:

Marketing Director Tracey Colla focuses on ensuring each client’s needs are being met in a timely, productive, and creative way. She is a well-rounded marketer, with a talent for identifying opportunity, product strategy and positioning, go-to-market strategies and launches.

About &Marketing:

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.

How AI is Disrupting SEO and Digital Advertising

How AI is Disrupting SEO and Digital Advertising

How AI is Disrupting SEO and Digital Advertising

How AI is Disrupting SEO and Digital Advertising

As digital marketers, we’re immersed in an area where artificial intelligence (AI) is the driving force behind digital advertising innovation. With its astonishing pace of growth, AI continues to revolutionize how brands engage with consumers, predict trends, and optimize campaigns.

While some may worry about AI ‘taking over the world,’ ignoring its existence and sticking with the old routines will leave companies in the dust. The marketing industry continues to evolve its approaches to incorporating AI and SEO, especially since the tool has shown a remarkable ability to enhance efficiency and performance.

How is AI used in SEO?

Imagine having a tireless assistant who can analyze mountains of data, identify keyword trends, and suggest content improvements — that’s the magic of AI in SEO. Here’s how this tech is transforming the SEO game.

  • Keyword research on steroids. Gone are the days of pouring over endless keyword lists. AI tools can analyze search trends, identify long-tail keywords (more specific, niche keywords), and even predict user intent, ensuring your content targets the right audience with the right information.
  • Laser-focused content optimization. AI analyzes existing high-performing content to understand what resonates with users. It can then suggest improvements to your content, like optimizing titles, headings, and meta descriptions for better search engine visibility.
  • Uncovering content gaps. AI crawls your website and identifies topics your competitors are ranking for — but you’re not — helping you fill content gaps and reach a wider audience.
  • Predictive analytics for smarter strategies. AI can analyze user behavior data and predict how your content will perform, allowing you to tailor your content strategy and optimize for future search engine algorithms.

Will AI take over SEO?

Not quite. While AI excels at automation and data analysis, SEO will always rely heavily on creativity and human expertise for:

  • Understanding user intent. AI can identify keywords, but it can’t fully grasp the nuances of user intent. You still need your human touch to craft content that resonates with audiences, conveys empathy and understanding about their pain points, and answers their specific questions.
  • Strategic content planning. Sure, AI can suggest topics — but you need to decide which topics align with your overall marketing goals and brand message. AI doesn’t live in your brain (thank goodness!), so it can’t make those intuitive leaps between two seemingly unconnected ideas. We humans, however, benefit from those “Aha!” moments that can lead to pretty amazing campaigns and content.
  • High-quality content creation. AI simply cannot replace the power of well-written, engaging content. Our human expertise in storytelling, humor, and unique brand voice remains irreplaceable.

There’s no need to feel threatened by AI. It’s a tool to augment your SEO efforts, not replace your strategic thinking and creativity.

Is AI-generated content SEO-friendly?

The short answer? Yes. But here’s the caveat: AI excels in creating factual, informative content. It can churn out well-structured articles jam-packed with relevant keywords — a great boon for marketing departments tasked with writing regular basic blog posts or product descriptions.

However (and it’s a big one!), AI sometimes confuses its facts (often called “hallucinations”, and it doesn’t always follow the brief. Think of it as a really smart kindergartener you’ve asked to do a job. You can send said kindergartener off to do her thing, knowing you’ll double-check when she finishes her chore. Or you can supervise more closely. Maybe you hold the bag of dog food open while she scoops out the kibble (and then show her where the dustpan and brush live after she’s spilled half the bag — and teach her how to use those cleaning tools).

AI’s like that, too. “Setting it loose” to do its thing unsupervised can lead to unintended (and negative) results. We’ve all seen the articles decrying the law firm that used AI to write briefs, citing the law cases it invented.

AI also simply can’t keep up with creative storytelling, humor, or in-depth analysis that resonates with readers. Relying solely on AI to generate content without human input and editing won’t consistently produce high-quality, SEO-friendly material.

Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo constantly update their algorithms to detect and penalize low-quality or spammy content (including AI-generated content that lacks human oversight and editing). However, Google is simultaneously hard-launching (perhaps a little too soon) its own AI Overview in search results. Hopefully not too many folks put glue on their pizza or tried to eat rocks because AI suggested it.

Want a workaround? Use AI as an assistive tool, leveraging its research, ideation, and drafting capabilities. Employ it to create product descriptions or data-driven reports. Then, bring in human experts to review, edit, and refine the content to ensure quality, accuracy, and relevance.

How generative AI affects SEO

Generative AI (GenAI) can create entirely new content, such as text, audio, or images, and it significantly impacts SEO in several ways. First, if you’re struggling with topics, GenAI can help you brainstorm new content ideas based on the information you feed it about your target audience and industry trends. GenAI also shines by:

  • Generating faster content creation. Tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and DALL-E have the potential to pump out content at breakneck speed. While automating content creation tasks and producing more content in a shorter time sounds wonderful, it could also make it more challenging for human-created content to stand out and rank well as search engines grapple with filtering out the low-quality AI-generated material.
  • Going global and multimedia. GenAI speaks multiple languages and can create content in various formats, opening the doors for global content marketing and expansion into new frontiers in multimedia SEO. But remember, successful messaging needs quality and cultural relevance across languages and media types to resonate with your target audiences.
  • Enabling real-time personalization. Imagine content that morphs and adapts to each user’s unique interests and search queries — that’s one benefit of using GenAI. This tool could revolutionize our approaches to keyword targeting and content optimization.

A word to the wise: as GenAI tools become more user-friendly and ubiquitous, the risk of bad actors churning out low-quality, duplicate, or even malicious content increases. This probability will create a real headache for search engines trying to filter out the junk. We must stay vigilant and develop strategies to ensure our high-quality, human-edited content provides genuine value and cuts through the AI-generated clutter.

How is AI used in digital advertising?

Which of the following is an example of AI use in digital advertising?

  1. Dynamic ad creative optimization (DCO) based on user data.
  2. Automated bidding and ad placement in programmatic platforms.
  3. Chatbots programmed to answer questions and provide recommendations.

All of the above.

The correct answer is D! These strategies rely on AI technologies like machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and data analysis. AI can analyze mountains of user data, including demographics, interests, and online behavior, to inform hyper-targeted campaigns to reach the target audience most likely interested in a company’s product or service.

Bidding on ad placements is a complicated dance, but AI steps in as a strategic partner, analyzing campaign performance and user behavior in real time. Then, it automatically adjusts your bids for optimal performance and to maximize your ROI.

Want to personalize ad content based on a user’s browsing history, location, and time of day? AI can do that, too, to generate highly relevant, engaging ad experiences more likely to convert. Think of it as crafting ads that speak directly to each user’s needs (and wants), making them feel like you’re reading their mind (in a good way!).

AI improves chatbots’ ability to understand natural language, personalize recommendations with machine learning, maintain context in conversations, and analyze user sentiment. With AI, chatbots have more natural interactions, offer more appropriate suggestions, provide better customer service — and know when to escalate complex issues to a human agent.

AI won’t replace digital marketing

AI is revolutionizing digital marketing. It won’t steal your job as long as you’re willing to work with it rather than ignore it. The technology excels at number-crunching, task automation, and insight generation. The human touch remains irreplaceable in crafting strategy, building brands, and understanding human complexities. AI is also going to automate enough tasks that you can expect to be asked to embrace ways to drive efficiency.

Yes, digital marketing will keep getting smarter, and ongoing advancements in AI, particularly in NLP and sentiment analysis, will propel ad strategies beyond what we’ve seen so far. Stay future-proof by learning about emerging technologies and evolving ethical practices in AI. Position yourself to thrive in the digital marketing landscape by embracing the AI revolution. Want to chat with our team about where to lean into AI and where to get our help? Just reach out.

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Why Tactical Marketing is So Hard for the C-Suite to Get Right

Why Tactical Marketing is So Hard for the C-Suite to Get Right

Why Tactical Marketing is So Hard for the C-Suite to Get Right

Tactical Marketing Often Trips Up Even the C-Suite

The C-suite—any organization’s brains and brawn—sets the course for a company’s success, but even these top leaders sometimes stumble over the nitty-gritty of tactical marketing. The question is, why?

There’s often a disconnect between the high-level vision that CEOs and CFOs excel at and the day-to-day realities of customer engagement. C-suite executives are masters of strategy and big-picture thinking. But the constantly evolving world of tactical marketing demands a deep understanding of customer preferences, ever-changing channels, and the delicate balance between data-driven results and emotional connection.

Sometimes, a C-suite doesn’t completely understand these factors or lumps together two different, though related, marketing elements: tactical and strategic. We’ll define and compare each, show how one complements the other, and offer tips for implementing tactical marketing to develop a more robust, successful marketing program.

What is the difference between strategy and tactics marketing?

The main difference between marketing tactics versus strategy? Their objectives.

Strategic marketing—an area where the C-suite excels—takes a big-picture approach. It defines the overall direction of your company’s marketing efforts and considers factors like target audience, brand positioning, and competitive landscape. This long-term vision helps companies build a sustainable competitive advantage.

Tactical marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the specifics of executing that strategy. It involves marketing teams’ day-to-day activities to achieve short-term goals, like increasing website traffic or generating leads for a specific campaign. These tactics should align with your company’s overall strategic plan.

Strategic marketing: The breakdown

This long-term vision prioritizes understanding market and customer needs, fueling a marketing plan to address those needs effectively. The process includes comprehensively analyzing the business environment and pinpointing a company’s ideal target markets. These insights empower you to tailor a marketing mix aligned with the organization’s goals.

Key components of a strategic marketing approach

The first step involves conducting market research—gathering data about the market, competition, and customer behavior. Analyzing this data helps uncover trends, opportunities, and potential threats. These insights inform the creation of products and services that resonate with your target audience’s preferences, buying habits, and motivations.

Next: Developing the unique value proposition (UVP). A strong UVP clearly communicates the unique benefits of your product or service—something your competitors simply can’t offer. A well-crafted UVP fosters customer loyalty and lifts you above the competition.

Last: Strategic marketing plan creation. This roadmap outlines the specific strategies and tactics to achieve your marketing objectives and includes your marketing budget, a defined timeline, and clear metrics to gauge your goals’ success.

Strategic marketing in action

Suppose you wanted to boost your social media campaign’s click-through rates (CTRs) by 15% on Facebook over 30 days. Your strategic approach might include redefining your target audience and using that info to craft and launch new ads.

Tactical marketing: The breakdown

What are tactical decisions in marketing?

While strategic marketing is the blueprint, tactical marketing is the toolbox used to execute the plan. Tactical marketing encompasses specific channels and methods to reach your target audience and goals. Tactics focus on the daily execution of marketing activities, translating strategic information and content into impactful presentations to drive short-term results.

While tactical marketing thrives on immediate results, it shouldn’t operate in isolation but align with your broader strategic initiatives. For example, a company might leverage social marketing to introduce and launch a new product and achieve short-term sales growth. The ultimate goal? Extracting valuable insights from tactical marketing to inform and refine your overall marketing plan and build a sustainable competitive edge.

Key components of a tactical marketing approach

A well-stocked tactical marketing toolbox overflows with tools and channels: advertising campaigns, promotions, events, and sales techniques designed to deliver a quick boost. You might develop a user-friendly website, strategically place targeted ads on social media, or send informative brochures or newsletters via email drip campaigns. These tactics all serve to get your product or service in front of the right audience at the right time.

Tactical marketing in action

Let’s say Happy Cow brand is preparing to introduce a new ice cream flavor—S’mores Explosion—in July (National Ice Cream Month) to boost sales and brand awareness. A tactical marketing campaign might include a pre-launch tease in the weeks leading up to July, with Happy Cow creating a buzz on social media platforms. The marketing team could post teaser images featuring shadowy silhouettes of ingredients or close-up shots of textures to spark conversation. The company could engage its audience with interactive polls asking followers to guess the new flavor and its ingredients or run contests where followers could share their most creative S’mores recipes for a chance to win free pints.

Tactical marketing channels & how to use them

The list of tactical marketing channels is quite varied — and long! Examples include:

  • Catalogs and brochures
  • Direct selling/phone customer service
  • Email marketing channels
  • Indirect marketing via retailers
  • Industry networking events
  • Marketing events and company conferences
  • SEO marketing channels
  • Social media platforms

Another impactful channel? Tactical advertisements, which are essentially targeted ads designed to achieve specific, short-term marketing goals. They’re the action-oriented component for executing your marketing plan and can include digital advertisements like social media and search engine ads or email marketing campaigns.

Tactical advertising offers measurable results that are easy to track and measure, allowing you to see (and communicate to the C-suite) the immediate impact of your campaign and optimize it for better performance. You can target your ads to very specific audiences based on your ideal customer profile (ICP)’s demographics, interests, and online behavior to maximize the ROI of your ad spend. The short-term nature of tactical ads facilitates flexibility and adaptability in messaging and approaches based on real-time results.

Designing a tactical marketing strategy

Don’t confuse your tactical marketing strategy with branding strategy as you develop it. Branding strategy outlines how to build and strengthen your brand identity, while tactics are the specific actions that translate the strategy into reality.

  1. Conduct a business assessment
    Define corporate goals and your audience, identify threats (external factors that could impact the success of achieving corporate goals), weaknesses (internal factors hindering business performance), and opportunities, and then identify your company’s market position.
  2. Define your marketing goals.
    Use the insights from your business assessment to develop your company’s marketing goals. Those goals should leverage any identified opportunities and strengths and address threats and weaknesses.
  3. Choose your marketing tactics.
    The best approach depends on your company and its products, the market, and available resources. While planning, include a clear timeline for each tactic to keep the execution focused and help measure the progress toward your goals. Define the metrics you’ll use to measure performance.
  4. Implement your strategy.
    Use the timelines from Step 3 to guide the implementation of each tactic. Lean into the sales funnel stages here and let each stage guide you on which tactic to implement and when. For example, social media campaigns might work well in the awareness and interest stages. Offering a discount might help potential customers to say “Yes” when they reach the decision stage.
  5. Review the plan
    Once you’ve implemented your plan, monitor its effectiveness based on the metrics you defined earlier—whether it’s an increase in sales, new customer growth, or something else. If the numbers don’t align, adjust and try again.

Strategic and tactical marketing are two sides of the same coin. Strategic marketing provides the overarching direction and long-term vision, while tactical marketing implements specific actions to achieve more specific short-term goals. Understanding the interplay between these two elements—and keeping the coin in their pocket—empowers C-suite executives to create a more solid, effective marketing program.

Many growing companies need C-Suite person to drive that top-level strategy and ensure the tactical elements get executed but don’t want (or can’t) add a full-time executive. That’s where we come in. Download our overview below to learn about our fractional CMO services.

Contact &Marketing for a Free Consultation:

The Power of Local: How Fractional CMOs Can Supercharge Local SMBs

The Power of Local: How Fractional CMOs Can Supercharge Local SMBs

The Power of Local: How Fractional CMOs Can Supercharge Local SMBs

For many companies, particularly small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), a strong local presence is the lifeblood of their success. These businesses have a unique opportunity to build deep connections within their communities. Customers are more likely to trust and patronize companies to which they feel a personal connection. This is where local marketing has an opportunity to shine.

Businesses can increase brand awareness and build trust and loyalty by implementing targeted strategies. Local SEO marketing helps ensure a company appears prominently in local search results when people look for relevant products or services nearby. This prominence drives more qualified traffic to a business’s website or physical location.

Engaging in local store marketing initiatives fosters a sense of community. Sponsoring local events, partnering with other local businesses, and offering promotions targeted toward local needs contribute to building trust and loyalty within the customer base.

The Value of Local Marketing Campaigns

Local marketing empowers SMBs to differentiate themselves from larger, impersonal corporations. By highlighting their local connections, community involvement, and commitment to providing exceptional customer service, SMBs can establish themselves as the trusted, preferred choice for local customers.

SMBs offering unique products, services, or experiences that national chains can’t replicate can leverage local marketing to showcase these one-of-a-kind offerings and attract customers looking for something special and different.

Reaching the right audience

Local marketing strategies are, by nature, hyper-focused. Unlike national campaigns with a broader reach, local efforts target a specific geographic area and its demographics. This strategy allows SMBs to tailor their messaging and offerings to resonate directly with their ideal customers, maximizing the impact of their marketing efforts. Local SEO marketing helps to cultivate that strong local presence, ensuring a business:

  • Appears prominently in search results.
  • Benefits from increased visibility.
  • Attracts more qualified leads to its doorstep, whether physical or virtual.

Gaining a competitive advantage

Local SMBs that actively engage with community members and invest in local causes foster a sense of loyalty among customers and clients. People appreciate businesses that give back and contribute to the local ecosystem, creating a stronger bond and encouraging repeat business.

Championing cost-effectiveness

Local marketing strategies allow SMBs to focus on a specific area, eliminating wasted ad spend on reaching people outside the target market and maximizing return on investment (ROI) for their marketing budgets. SMBs can also leverage local resources like community publications, local chambers of commerce, and event sponsorships to gain exposure and build brand awareness.

As awareness grows about how supporting local businesses can also boost the local economy, companies continue to take notice. While SMBs have the power to deeply connect with their local communities, capitalizing on this local strength requires a targeted marketing approach. Smaller companies often employ teams tasked with wearing multiple hats. These SMBs may lack the resources to hire a robust, dedicated marketing team. There is another solution.

Why SMBs and fCMOs Make the Perfect Match

Fractional CMOs (fCMOs) offer SMBs a strategic edge in the local marketing arena. Unlike traditional CMOs, fCMOs bring a laser focus to local marketing. They understand the nuances of local SEO, the power of community engagement, and the art of crafting messaging that resonates with local demographics. This targeted expertise ensures marketing efforts reach the right people in the right place at the right time.

Budget is often a primary concern for SMBs. A full-time CMO typically requires a significant financial commitment, whereas fCMOs provide a cost-effective alternative. You gain access to high-level marketing expertise on a part-time or project basis, allowing you to invest strategically in local marketing initiatives without breaking the bank.

Fractional CMOs are data wizards, too. They can analyze local market trends, customer demographics, and competitor activity to tailor your marketing campaigns for maximum impact. This data-driven approach ensures you’re not just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks; you’re making strategic decisions that drive measurable results for your local business.

A strong local presence is about more than advertising. fCMOs understand the power of building brand advocacy within your community. They help you develop local store marketing initiatives designed to cultivate trust and loyalty — everything from sponsoring a local Little League team to partnering with other local businesses.

The beauty of fCMOs lies in their flexibility. They can adjust their involvement based on your specific needs and marketing goals. Need a short-term boost for a local campaign launch? An fCMO can provide the strategic guidance and execution. Looking for ongoing guidance on local SEO and online reputation management? Partner long-term with an fCMO to secure your success.

The Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve

Fractional CMOs offer a potent combination of expertise, flexibility, and a cost structure perfectly tailored to the budget realities of smaller businesses.

Instead of adding the hefty salary of a full-time CMO to your operating budget, partnering with an fCMO preserves your bottom line while still giving you the benefits of an experienced marketing professional’s knowledge. These affordable A-listers offer high-caliber expertise at a fraction of the cost. Instead of a long-term financial commitment, you gain strategic insights, leadership, and transformative results. When you work with an fCMO, you gain access to wisdom typically reserved for larger companies with bottomless budgets.

Business needs, especially for smaller players, can be as changeable as the wind. An fCMO embodies a chameleon-like ability to adapt and thrive in this environment. Think Swiss Army knife — versatile, resourceful, and completely flexible. They adjust their approach and time commitment based on your evolving goals. Need a marketing blitz for a new product launch or assistance developing a campaign with another local co-sponsoring business? They’re there. Entering a period of stability? They scale back seamlessly. This adaptability ensures you have expert leadership when you need it without the ongoing expense of a full-time executive.

Unlike some marketing tacticians, fCMOs never lose sight of the ultimate objective: driving business growth. This laser focus allows you to concentrate on the big picture — refining your brand message, exploring new markets, and optimizing your digital presence — without bogging down in the daily grind.

Ready to learn more and chat with us about your business’s unique challenges? Download our fCMO overview and complete the form below to talk to our team.

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’s growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.

About &Marketing:

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.

The Benefits of an Interim CMO

The Benefits of an Interim CMO

The Benefits of an Interim CMO

Imagine this scenario: A small start-up SaaS company, Aether, specializes in cloud-based data storage and analytics solutions. It has experienced rapid growth, mainly acquiring customers through its sales team and word-of-mouth referrals. However, as the competition in the SaaS data storage market heats up, Aether recognizes the urgent need for a comprehensive marketing strategy to keep up its growth and boost brand awareness.

The challenge? Aether’s small in-house marketing team lacks the strategic leadership and expertise needed to spearhead a major marketing initiative. While the company isn’t in a position to invest in a full-time chief marketing officer (CMO) to take the reins permanently, they urgently need someone who can step in and set the course right.

Enter the interim CMO: a seasoned marketing leader who joins the team for a transitional period to build a robust marketing strategy, mentor the current team, and lay down a solid foundation for future marketing efforts. This solution offers Aether the strategic guidance it needs without the long-term financial commitment of a full-time executive, making it a practical choice for their current stage and budget constraints.

What is an Interim CMO?

An interim Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is a highly experienced marketing leader who is brought into a company temporarily to manage and enhance its marketing functions during a period of transition, crisis, or change. This arrangement can be particularly useful in several scenarios, such as:

  • Leadership Gaps: When a company is between full-time CMOs, an interim CMO can fill the void, ensuring that marketing strategies and initiatives continue seamlessly.
  • Strategic Overhauls: If a company needs to redefine its marketing strategy or direction quickly, an interim CMO can provide the necessary expertise and leadership to drive these changes without the long-term commitment of a permanent hire.
  • Crisis Management: In times of crisis, such as a PR disaster or a significant market change, an interim CMO can steer the marketing department through challenging waters with their expertise and experience.
  • Project Implementation: For companies looking to launch a major campaign or marketing initiative, an interim CMO can lead the project, bringing specialized skills that might not exist internally.
  • Scalability and Growth: Startups or businesses experiencing rapid growth might hire an interim CMO to set up scalable marketing processes and strategies that support sustained growth.

This role is designed to be temporary, providing immediate, high-impact leadership while the company determines its long-term needs or stabilizes its current situation.

Interim CMO Responsibilities

Aether could benefit from working with an interim CMO who brings extensive experience in the SaaS industry and a proven track record in developing and implementing effective marketing strategies. The interim CMO could provide the following advantages:

  • Strategic marketing expertise: Aether would benefit from the interim CMO’s deep understanding of SaaS marketing best practices, customer acquisition strategies, and the latest marketing techniques and technologies. An interim CMO would provide strategic guidance on positioning Aether’s products, identifying target markets, and developing compelling messaging and campaigns.
  • Rapid deployment: Instead of a lengthy hiring process for a full-time CMO, Aether could quickly onboard an interim CMO ready to hit the ground running and start driving marketing initiatives immediately, allowing the company to capitalize on market opportunities quickly.
  • An objective perspective: As an external resource, an interim CMO brings a fresh perspective to Aether’s current marketing experts and could identify potential gaps in understanding, challenge existing assumptions, and suggest innovative approaches that the in-house team might have overlooked.
  • Team Mentoring and Upskilling: The interim CMO would work closely with Aether’s marketing team, providing mentorship and training to upskill the existing employees. This knowledge transfer would enable the team to execute the marketing strategies effectively after the interim CMO’s tenure ends.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: An interim CMO would give Aether the flexibility to scale marketing efforts up or down as needed. This arrangement allows the company to access top-tier marketing talent without the long-term commitment of a full-time executive hire.

In this situation, Aether benefitted from working with the interim CMO, who emerged as a strategic ally.

What is the difference between fractional and interim CMO?

The terms “interim CMO” and “fractional CMO” are often used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences between the two roles.

Interim CMO

In our example above, we discussed the benefits of bringing an interim CMO to help our hypothetical company. These marketing professionals are temporary but often full-time executives working exclusively for the organization, filling a vacant CMO position within an organization for a specific period. Their primary goals are to:

  • Bridge the gap, serving as a stopgap measure during a transition period between the departure of a previous CMO and the hiring of a replacement (or to help a start-up’s marketing department establish itself and develop and implement a cohesive marketing strategy).
  • Provide continuity, ensuring that critical marketing operations are uninterrupted during a transition, and providing leadership and strategic direction to the team.
  • Assume the role for a short-term engagement, typically ranging from a few months to a year, depending on the organization’s needs and the time required to find a permanent CMO.

Fractional CMO

Fractional CMOs, on the other hand, are part-time, outsourced executives who provide strategic marketing leadership and guidance to an organization on an ongoing basis. Key characteristics of fractional CMOs include:

  • Long-term engagement, where a company hires one for an extended period, often as a long-term contract or on a retainer basis rather than a temporary, short-term arrangement.
  • Part-time commitment, where they typically work a predetermined number of hours or days per week/month, allowing them to serve multiple clients simultaneously.
  • Acting as strategic advisor, where they provide high-level marketing guidance, strategy development, and oversight. Fractional CMOs may not be involved in the day-to-day execution of marketing activities, however.
  • Reliability as a flexible resource since organizations can leverage them as a cost-effective alternative to hiring a full-time, in-house CMO, especially if the company doesn’t require a dedicated, full-time marketing executive.

Let’s revisit Aether. After its series one funding round, the company hired an interim CMO to set the marketing department (and its strategies) up for success. Leadership decides that a full-time CMO isn’t necessary until the company gets closer to its next funding round and hires a fractional CMO to consult with the marketing team for 20 hours per month.

This arrangement ensures Aether receives ongoing strategic advice and marketing leadership for an extended period until it is ready to add a full-time CMO to its C-suite.

Choosing Between an Interim or Fractional CMO

One type of CMO isn’t better than another. If a full-time CMO employee isn’t what your company needs, here are several key factors to evaluate whether an interim or fractional CMO best fits your specific needs and circumstances.

Current Marketing Team Structure and Capabilities

Assess your marketing team’s size, skill sets, and capabilities. A fractional CMO might be the best solution if you’ve got a well-established, experienced marketing team primarily requiring strategic guidance and oversight. An interim CMO could be more suitable if your marketing team is understaffed, lacks expertise, or requires hands-on leadership for day-to-day operations.

Stage of Business Growth and Marketing Requirements

Evaluate your company’s growth stage and corresponding market needs. Early-stage or rapidly growing companies pressured to build a comprehensive marketing strategy and infrastructure from the ground up may benefit more from an interim CMO’s full-time focus and operational involvement. Established companies with a well-defined marketing strategy and processes in place could more effectively leverage a fractional CMO’s strategic guidance and oversight.

Budget and Resource Constraints

Consider the company’s budget and resource availability for marketing leadership. Interim CMOs typically command higher compensation because of their full-time commitment, while fractional CMOs offer a more cost-effective solution, especially for smaller or bootstrapped SaaS companies. Evaluate the trade-off between the immediate need for marketing expertise and the long-term financial implications of each option.

Duration of Need

Determine the anticipated duration for which the company requires marketing leadership. An interim CMO might be the better choice if the need is temporary, such as a transition period or for a specific project or campaign. If the company foresees an ongoing need for strategic marketing guidance over an extended period, a fractional CMO could provide a more sustainable option.

Scope of Responsibilities

Clearly define the scope of responsibilities and level of involvement required from the marketing leadership role. If your company needs hands-on execution and management of day-to-day marketing activities, a full-time interim CMO might be more appropriate. If your primary need is strategic planning, oversight, and guidance, a fractional CMO could fulfill that requirement while allowing your in-house marketing team to handle the execution.

Interim (and fractional) CMOs offer a powerful catalyst for transformative growth. With their seasoned expertise and unbiased perspective, these professionals swiftly assess challenges, identify blind spots and chart strategic paths to market dominance.

When integrated into teams, interim CMOs foster collaboration, mentor marketers, and execute high-impact strategies precisely, driving organizations to success. Interim CMOs’ flexible tenure empowers companies to innovate continuously, pivoting approaches to capitalize on emerging trends.

By evaluating the growth stage, team capabilities, budget, and objectives, business leaders can strategically leverage interim CMOs, harnessing their expertise to navigate hurdles, seize opportunities, and establish a formidable market footprint.

Learn more about interim or fractional CMO services with &Marketing and contact us today to discuss what solutions will help your business grow.

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’s growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.

About &Marketing:

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.

Why Your Business Should Consider CMO as a Service

Why Your Business Should Consider CMO as a Service

Why Your Business Should Consider CMO as a Service

You know the numbers—roughly 50% of businesses don’t make it past five years and only 20% make it to 20 years. In today’s competitive business landscape, a strong brand and a clear message are crucial for success. In a business landscape where strategic marketing is a crucial driver of growth, could hiring a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) as a service be the game-changer your company needs? (PS, you can take our 2-minute quiz and find out.)

These professionals are responsible for crafting a comprehensive marketing plan that attracts customers, builds brand awareness, and drives sales. From understanding the target audience, navigating the evolving marketing landscape, creating effective campaigns, and overseeing the marketing budget, a CMO plays a vital role in ensuring a company reaches its full potential. Sometimes, however, companies don’t have the budget or need for a full-time CMO. Fortunately, CMO as a service is an option.

How do CMOs add to company structure?

CMOs typically oversee a team of marketing professionals responsible for market research, advertising campaigns, public relations, and product marketing. They collaborate closely with other company executives, such as the CEO, to ensure marketing efforts align with the overall business strategy.

CMOs wear many hats and bring diverse skill sets necessary for their and their company’s success:

  • Strategic leadership and business acumen. These CMOs are strategic thinkers who understand the competitive landscape, analyze market trends, and leverage strategies to craft marketing plans aligned with the company’s broader goals. Implementing their effective marketing initiatives drives growth.
  • Market analysis and customer focus. CMOs excel at market research, pinpointing customer needs and preferences. CMOs also leverage data to identify trends and use that knowledge to develop targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their ideal customers.
  • Digital marketing expertise. The marketing landscape is heavily digital, and a savvy CMO needs a firm grasp of digital marketing channels like social media, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and e-commerce strategies.
  • Brand management and storytelling. CMOs are the guardians and evangelists of a company’s brand. They develop and manage the brand image, crafting a clear, consistent message that resonates with the target audience. They’re also skilled storytellers able to weave compelling narratives that connect emotionally.
  • Communication and leadership skills. A CMO leads the marketing team and needs strong communication and interpersonal skills to inspire, motivate, and gain buy-in from other company executives and departments.

Enter: CMO as a service (CMOaaS)

CMO as a service offers a solution for companies needing guidance with their marketing efforts but without the commitment of a full-time hire. These marketing veterans provide part-time leadership, stepping in to lead existing teams and refine marketing strategies. Ideal for businesses not quite ready or unable to afford a full-time CMO, a CMOaaS approach provides the strategic guidance and industry insights you’d expect from a top executive at a cost-effective rate.

Fractional CMOs

Fractional CMOs act like integrated members of a company’s marketing team. They typically work part-time directly with existing marketing personnel, providing leadership and guidance. They’ll conduct a deep dive into a specific strategy and help refine it based on their experience. Company leaders have a direct reporting relationship with their fractional CMO, who becomes an extension of that leadership team, providing strategic direction and collaborating with other departments.

An outsourced/fractional CMO might come from a marketing agency or work as an independent consultant. Generally, fractional CMOs charge a set rate for their dedicated time, but their fees might be project-based or depend on their specific services.

Some companies might think they don’t need a CMO because they already have a CEO—especially if they’re a small startup or in its early stages and strapped for cash. The current leadership team might have misconceptions about a CMO’s role, viewing it as solely advertising- and branding-focused. But CMOs bring strategy and analytics to the table, too.

CEO versus CMO. What’s the difference?

A chief executive officer (CEO) and a CMO occupy different leadership positions within a company, with distinct focus areas. The CEO is the ship’s captain, responsible for the company’s overall vision, strategy, and success. CEOs set long-term goals, oversee all departments, and make high-level decisions about everything from product development to finances. They answer to a board of directors and are accountable for a company’s performance.

CMOs serve as the navigators, charting the course for the marketing department and crafting strategies to achieve the company’s goals. These professionals promote the company’s brand, generate leads, and drive sales through marketing initiatives. They work closely with the CEO to align marketing efforts with the overall business strategy.

The CEO sets the growth targets, and the CMO executes marketing strategies to achieve them. The CMO also develops strategies for customer engagement, feeding directly into the CEO’s goal of recurring revenue. While the CEO has a broad business view, the CMO is the marketing guru with a granular understanding of customer behavior, market trends, and the most effective ways to reach their target audience.

How to Know if You Need CMO as a Service

Deciding whether your business could benefit from a CMO as a service can be pivotal to its growth and efficiency. Here are key indicators that suggest this service might be right for you:

  • Marketing Efforts Aren’t Meeting Goals: If your current marketing efforts are falling short of targets—whether in terms of lead generation, sales, or brand awareness—it might be time to bring in a CMO to provide the strategic oversight and creative input needed to revitalize your campaigns.
    Leadership Gaps in Marketing: Small to medium businesses often operate with limited executive leadership in marketing. If your team lacks senior marketing leadership, a fractional CMO can fill this crucial gap, bringing in the necessary expertise to guide your marketing strategy.
    Budget Constraints: Hiring a full-time CMO can be a significant financial commitment. If budget limitations are a concern, opting for a CMO as a service allows you to access top-tier marketing expertise without the full-time salary and benefits package.
    Need for Scalable Solutions: If your company is in a growth phase, you may need scalable marketing strategies that can adapt quickly.
    Rapid Market or Product Changes: In industries experiencing rapid changes or when launching new products, having an experienced marketer who can navigate these changes and position your company effectively is crucial.

Sometimes, an external perspective can be invaluable, especially if your current marketing strategies have become stagnant. A CMO as a service brings fresh eyes and new ideas, which can be crucial for innovative problem-solving and strategy refinement.

[Button]: Take our CMO readiness quiz

Do SaaS companies need a CMO? Short answer: yes.

SaaS companies need both. Because of their subscription-based nature, they benefit from robust collaboration between the CEO and CMO. The CEO may have a strong marketing background and believe they can handle marketing tasks themselves. But while this approach could work in a company’s initial stages, those responsibilities can quickly become overwhelming as the company scales.

Leading the marketing charge for a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company is the CMO, whose mission is to leverage strategic marketing to fuel the company’s growth by attracting new customers. But unlike traditional marketing, SaaS success also hinges on keeping those customers happy.

Because SaaS is often subscription-based, retaining existing users becomes as critical (if not more so) than acquiring new ones. That’s why SaaS CMOs go beyond building brand awareness. They craft initiatives specifically designed to keep customers engaged and satisfied.

SaaS CMOs have similar responsibilities to other CMOs, whether full-time or fractional. They:

  • Identify target markets and audiences
  • Build brand identity
  • Develop and execute SaaS marketing strategies
  • Assemble and lead a marketing team
  • Create SaaS marketing collateral
  • Establish robust working relationships with other company departments
  • Measure SaaS marketing performance and report results to the CEO
  • Manage and control the marketing budget

The average churn rate for SaaS CMOs is high. In fact, the average tenure between 2020 and 2022 dropped from 43 to 35 months, and according to one executive recruitment firm, companies will replace 30-40% of their CMOs this year. Finding and hiring the right CMO takes time (and money).

An outsourced or fractional CMO can help bridge the gap for the short- or long-term for SaaS companies in the T2De phase (tripling revenue for two years and doubling it for three more years). These companies have everyday marketing needs and might not require a full-time CMO.

Opting to use a CMO as a service empowers companies to hire someone well-equipped to address high growth expectations, lend marketing expertise to the executive team, and introduce a proven SaaS marketing playbook and a fresh perspective. An outsourced or fractional CMO is faster to hire than a full-time CMO, requires no long-term commitment, and can be held accountable for results while guiding and advising the CEO.

In today’s competitive SaaS landscape, a robust marketing strategy isn’t a luxury — it’s a necessity. While CEOs are vital in setting the vision and growth trajectory, CMOs translate that vision into actionable strategies to fuel customer acquisition and retention. SaaS companies gain a valuable asset by leveraging a CMO, whether full-time, fractional, or outsourced.

Whether SaaS, healthcare, CPG, or otherwise, if you want a closer look at fractional CMOs and how they might help fill gaps in your marketing, download our fCMO overview. Want to discuss your business’s unique challenges? Fill out the form below and talk to our team.

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’s growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.

About &Marketing:

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.