Webinar: 2023 Planning: How to Navigate Uncertainty and Plan for Growth

Webinar: 2023 Planning: How to Navigate Uncertainty and Plan for Growth

Webinar: 2023 Planning: How to Navigate Uncertainty and Plan for Growth

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Is your business set up to sink or swim in 2023?

We’re all full of uncertainty as we map out the next year, but you don’t have to worry about drowning in doubt. With a solid plan and strategy in place, you can do more than just tread water. You can swim past the competition.

You can wade through the uncertainty and find success despite the current climate.

With today’s rapidly changing business landscape, 2023 planning can feel paralyzing at worst and daunting at best. From rising inflation and operating costs, to employee retention and supply chain gaps—chances are you’re sitting down to plan for 2023 and finding yourself at a loss.

The good news is, planning for growth in 2023 doesn’t have to be overwhelming, stress provoking or confusing. With advice from the leading experts in business and marketing, you can equip yourself with the knowledge, tools and action steps to prepare yourself for an uncertain 2023 and position your business not just to tread water, but to swim faster and stronger than your bigger competitors.

Many businesses are actually still thriving and growing despite economic fears and challenges in the marketplace.

What’s their secret? We’ll let them tell you. Our network of business and marketing leaders shared their top challenges and best tips on navigating uncertainty. Our experts will discuss the trends and provide a roadmap to grow in 2023.

Watch  to learn how to apply it to your business.

Our Founder & CEO, Rajat Kapur and trusted industry CMOs Alan Gonsenhauser, Danielle Cantin and Jennifer Garcia who each bring 20+ years of business and marketing leadership, teach you:

  • How companies beat larger competitors with deeper pockets
  • How to plan (or even avoid!) the top challenges businesses face when planning for 2023
  • How to avoid common pitfalls that come up when planning for growth and change
  • How to take action and capitalize on the current trends and risks in the marketplace
About Rajat Kapur

As the Founder and Managing Director of &Marketing, Raj strives to provide growing businesses of all sizes unparalleled marketing strategy and execution services. Raj brings two decades of professional experience in marketing, sales, and strategy development experience spanning B2B and B2C Fortune 50, mid-sized, and startups.

About Alan Gonsenhauser

Alan Gonsenhauser, Founder and Principal of Demand Revenue, is an experienced CMO and general manager, and more recently as a CMO Executive Advisor and Analyst at Forrester and SiriusDecisions. He now offers Interim / Fractional Marketing Leadership, CMO Executive Advisory and Coaching, and Keynote Presentations, bolstered with comprehensive Strategic Marketing Services.

About Danielle Cantin

Danielle Cantin is an award-winning creative, mentor, and strategic branding and marketing expert. She helps companies reconnect with the Soul of their Brand so they can uncover missing pieces and achieve the deeper brand alignment needed for ultimate profits and success. Honored with the Vanguard Award for Innovation in Communication and a Cannes honorable mention for her work with Mazda, Danielle is a lifelong seeker, bringing the highest tools and teachings to her clients so they can break through to the next level.

About Jennifer Garcia

Jennifer Garcia, CEO of Red Bamboo Marketing, brings a wealth of industry experience and an entrepreneurial spirit to lead an agency that blends marketing strategy, technology and creativity to drive genuine growth for clients. In her most recent role as Director of Marketing for Visual Lease (SaaS financial services), she drove 150% ARR growth during her tenure. She recently partnered with &Marketing to offer Interim / Fractional Marketing Leadership to growing businesses.

 About &Marketing

In today’s fast paced world, many growing businesses are struggling to modernize their marketing approaches because either they don’t have the expertise or the bandwidth to do it themselves.

&Marketing provides seasoned marketing strategy professionals and a nimble execution team to help our clients achieve their goals. Our unique partnership model allows us to augment our client’s existing teams or outsource the entire marketing function in an affordable, flexible, and transparent way.

&Marketing Case Study: Using Organic SEO to Increase Brand Awareness in Saas Marketing

&Marketing Case Study: Using Organic SEO to Increase Brand Awareness in Saas Marketing

&Marketing Case Study: Using Organic SEO to Increase Brand Awareness in Saas Marketing

Business Challenge Summary

RB Solutions is a B2B point of sale software service, focusing on the pool and spa and chimney and hearth industries. In late 2019, RB began looking to further its overall awareness in the marketplace and generate leads to advance new business initiatives. More specifically, RB wanted to improve their SEO and develop a longer-term content strategy. At the time, RB already had a blog in place, but they believed those posts were not being leveraged effectively or seen by enough target decision-makers to drive leads. They needed to drive more brand awareness and get more eyes on their content and unique industry offering.


&Marketing’s SaaS Marketing Approach

Based on the challenge of an insufficient SEO and keyword strategy, &Marketing provided a full Business Intelligence Analysis in order to create a detailed roadmap that would lead them to gain more traction and recognition online within their industry. This analysis outlined the following:

  • Competitive keyword strategy for SEO, content, digital advertising, and social media
  • SEO/keyword analysis to identify words and phrases for focus and to:
    • Identify technical SEO opportunities (i.e. page level SEO)
    • Inform SEO opportunities for content (long tail keywords or ‘people also ask’)
  • Digital competitive landscape for key terms (traditional and nontraditional competitors)
  • Opportunities to differentiate within the competitive landscape
  • Monthly reporting and analytics set up with Google Data Studio and Search Console for monthly analysis and tracking (focused on traffic, SEO, and goal completions)

Based on our Business Intelligence Analysis, we created a monthly content distribution strategy, mapping it on one central calendar, to help grow their brand awareness. The calendar featured SEO optimized content, including thought leadership articles, testimonials, an eBook, a microsite, infographics, etc. to be created and distributed through multiple channels.

We enabled them to lean in on thought leadership, positioning themselves as experts in their field through the use of various pieces of content. Each month we provided two blogs and an email in order to help increase consumer engagement and awareness. This allowed them to compete better against online retailers sharing similar keyword search markets, creating an opportunity for RB to take a bigger share of the online share of voice within their industry.


As a result of these actions, RB saw significant increases in their digital presence, awareness, and overall goal completions. We saw the following outcomes:

  • Goal completions increased from 235% in entirety
  • 2019 to 2021 – 235% growth in lead gen
  • 2019 to 2021 – 100% increase in organic traffic
  • 2020 —> 2019 – 25% increase in traffic
  • 2020 —> 2019 – 6% increase in organic traffic
  • 2020 —> 2019 – 204% growth in lead gen
  • 2021 —> 2020 – 27% increase in traffic
  • 2021 —> 2020 – 88% increase in organic traffic
  • 2021 —> 2020 – 10% growth in lead gen

Are you facing challenges of your own in your SaaS marketing?

&Marketing can help improve your organic SEO strategy and increase your brand awareness through a combination of a comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) Analysis and robust content marketing plan.

BI helps us get smarter about the strategies and tactics we choose, and how we execute them. It also enables us to demonstrate marketing ROI. You can learn more about BI and how it can revolutionize your marketing strategy by downloading our eBook below.

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’s growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.

About &Marketing:

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.

What Is A Fractional Marketing Department and Do You Need One?

What Is A Fractional Marketing Department and Do You Need One?

What Is A Fractional Marketing Department and Do You Need One?

&Marketing, and marketing, outsourced marketing strategy

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Our fractional marketing team, led by a Fractional CMO, provides you with highly experienced, executive-level leadership to develop a robust marketing strategy – plus, it will ensure effective execution. It can be your marketing team or supplement existing marketing professionals on your staff. Let’s start with the basics.

What Is A Fractional Marketing Department ?

A fractional marketing department is exactly what it sounds like: a complete marketing team led by an executive-level marketing leader to replace or augment an existing internal team. The team and CMO offer proven skills and capabilities paired with repeatable marketing processes at a fraction of the cost.

Do You Need A Fractional Marketing Team?

A fractional marketing team and CMO can be the perfect solution to help small to mid-sized companies and start-ups:

  • Acquire new customers and retain current ones
  • Launch new products and services
  • Gain market, customer, and competitive insights
  • Improve profitability

A fractional marketing team and CMO may be ideal for you if:

  • You need an executive-level marketing leader paired with an expert execution team
  • You can’t afford a complete marketing department
  • You’re ready for growth, expansion, and scaling up

Why Fractional Marketing Teams Work

We believe that combining highly experienced executive leadership with solid execution capability is the recipe for success.

  • We work with clients investing in growth, scaling up with a proven offering, or introducing new products or services.
  • We offer highly experienced Fractional CMOs who will be valued members of your inner circle.
  • We ensure a robust, data-driven marketing strategy with clear direction and measurable goals based on understanding your market, your competition, and your target audience.
  • We help you develop positioning that is true, distinct, and compelling.
  • We use only the necessary subject matter experts to ensure sound and effective execution.
  • We help you develop content that informs, inspires, and excites.
  • We use a mix of media that is right for your brand.
  • We continuously measure the return on your investment.
  • We work closely with your sales team, especially B2B, to ensure that qualified leads are converted.
  • We develop a cycle of regular meetings to report progress focused on what is working and what is not with recommendations on improvements needed.
  • When you are ready, we can help you build your own marketing department.

Our Fractional Marketing Team and CMOs

We combine executive leadership with a Fractional Marketing Manager and have on-demand experts with a wide variety of marketing skills and capabilities for executing these strategies. This helps ensure that your marketing investment achieves a solid return.

  • The Fractional Chief Marketing Officer brings the knowledge and experience of leading several marketing teams over many years to drive the results your company needs. They have done it before, many times. This fCMO can be a part of your Management Team and effectively interact with your team and various stakeholders, such as your Board of Directors.
  • Our Marketing Manager supports the CMO, acts as the project manager for your various marketing initiatives, ensures that you have the right subject matter experts, and leads the execution team.
  • We select the subject matter experts that you need to meet your goals and objectives. These experts provide you with the expertise you may need in areas like:
    • Data analytics
    • Websites
    • Creative and graphics
    • Content and copy
    • Social media
    • Direct marketing
    • Public relations

Building A Solid Foundation

We start by building a data-driven foundation for a robust marketing strategy which leads to a road map with clear objectives and goals. It can be simple or more complicated depending on your situation, your competition, the uniqueness of your products or services, and the cohesiveness of your target group. We have done this in two weeks, or it can take three to six months.

  • We develop deep insights into your market, competitors, and current and potential customers. We also use your company information, conduct internet searches, and use online data analytics. A critical part of the process is interviewing your team. This work is usually qualitative, though quantitative research may be required in some more complex situations.
  • The deliverables from this would include
    • Clear goals and objectives of the marketing programs
    • A one-page strategy map that would be your 2-3 year road map
    • A clear, concise definition of your target group
    • A true, distinct and compelling positioning
    • The execution strategy

We are firm believers that this should be an iterative process with you and your team so that we produce the best approach possible. We aim for at least a bi-weekly check-in with the CEO to align with company goals. The Fractional CMO leads the development of the strategy, then provides overall executive-level guidance for the execution. Finally, we will make a formal presentation to your Management Team at the end of this stage.

Effective Execution

Our execution focuses on brand building, creating awareness, and generating leads/trials. We focus on a variety of content that informs, inspires, and excites, choosing the best medium for you. We qualify leads with a call-to-action and use landing pages and websites. For B2B, we qualify leads and work closely with your sales force/inside sales to convert potential customers.

Our execution process:

  • The Marketing Manager acts as project manager under fCMO guidance.
  • The execution strategy is converted to a detailed execution plan.
  • A budget is proposed and gets your approval.
  • We pull in the required resources and subject matter expertise to implement the plan.
  • We do weekly or bi-weekly check-ins, usually 30 minutes.
  • We prefer to do a Quarterly review with a focus on what is working and what needs to be changed.

Are You Ready For Fractional Marketing Services?

Good marketing builds your brand, creates awareness, generates leads, attracts new customers, and accelerates your growth. Finding a way to do the absolute best marketing you can is critical, especially when times are tight. Hiring a Fractional CMO with a solid execution team may be a smart way to go. Plus, you can add people and capabilities as you grow. At the right time, we will help you transition by developing the right organizational structure while helping you hire the right people. For &Marketing, this transition is a sign that we have been successful. Contact us today to start driving growth with a Fractional CMO.

About &Marketing

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’ growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.

What Is A Fractional Marketing Department and Do You Need One?

What Is A Fractional CMO? How Much Is A Fractional CMO?

What Is A Fractional CMO? How Much Is A Fractional CMO?

&Marketing, and marketing, outsourced marketing strategy

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Are you ready to accelerate your company’s growth to the next level? Do you need to increase awareness and inspire prospects to try your products or services? Do you need a highly experienced marketing leader to bring a fresh perspective? That is why we created &Marketing+ with its Fractional CMO service. This may be the right answer for you – at a fraction of the cost of a full-time in-house team.

What Is A Fractional CMO?

You may have seen the term before and wondered, “what is a Fractional CMO?” A Fractional CMO is a senior marketing executive retained part-time to provide executive-level leadership. An fCMO offers proven skills and capabilities paired with repeatable marketing processes at a fraction of the cost of a full-time hire.

How Much Is A Fractional CMO?

Hiring a top chief marketing executive in the United States costs upwards of $300K per year, plus bonuses and benefits. &Marketing’s Fractional CMOs offer a high level of expertise at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, we provide access to our team of digital marketing experts. Your fractional marketing team will include the CMO, a Marketing Manager, and the subject matter experts needed to create and execute your digital marketing plan. With us, you can get a full team without going through a lengthy and expensive search and hire process. Instead, you can use the money you save to develop marketing programs and initiatives.

This may be an ideal way to get started. When you are ready to hire full-time people, you will have processes in place, and we will be able to help you transition by developing the organizational structure that is right for you and helping you hire the right people. This transition, for &Marketing, is a sign that we have been successful.

Who Can Benefit From a Fractional CMO?

Many companies across industries, from start-ups to the middle market, can benefit from quickly onboarding a marketing leader and an execution team. With &Marketing+, they can do it without incurring the tremendous costs and risks associated with searching, training, and ramp-up time that a full-time in-house Marketing Department would take.

You will benefit from this arrangement if some of the following characteristics apply to you:

  • You want to accelerate your growth to get to the next level, which includes executive-level guidance and nimble execution capabilities.
  • You need an independent, outside perspective on your business, marketing strategy, and commercial tactics.
  • Your growth has stagnated, and you have a strong desire to grow your business.
  • You’ve never invested in marketing (and don’t know where to start) but are curious how an investment could change the trajectory of your business.
  • You need to hit the ground running but do not have the time or budget to hire a full in-house team.
  • You are spending time and money on marketing that is not cohesive or effective.
  • You are planning to launch more products and services or grow with new types of customers.

This is ideal for start-ups or scale-ups with funding in place to provide customer or market perspective, usually at the time of a Series A. A Fractional Chief Marketing Officer is also ideal for middle-market companies which have never seriously invested in marketing.

For more established companies, a Fractional CMO and team can bring incredible value when launching a new product or service, especially when having a full-time CMO wouldn’t make fiscal or practical sense.

Do you think that you can benefit from a Fractional marketing team? Contact us with any questions and see if there is a good fit.

Our Fractional CMOs Are Here To Help You Succeed

Our approach allows you to tap into the services of subject matter experts and digital marketing teams who bring unique and diverse strategies to the table. They have the knowledge and experience of leading several marketing teams to drive the results your company needs. They have done it before, many times.

&Marketing’s Team and Fractional CMOs can provide you, and the rest of your team, with a deeper understanding of your market and its dynamics, key segments, your primary and secondary competition, and, most importantly, an in-depth understanding of your current and potential customers.

The team will take ownership of your company’s marketing programs and help ensure that your company properly implements everything from digital marketing to analytics.

We combine the development of a robust marketing strategy with complete execution so that you have just one point of responsibility. Services include:

  • Being the marketing leader on your management team
  • Developing a deep understanding of your market dynamics, competition, and customers
  • Developing a robust marketing strategy
  • Driving positioning that is “true, distinct, and compelling”
  • Building content that “informs, inspires, and excites”
  • Strengthening branding and building your brand image
  • Driving product pricing and the launch of new products/services
  • Optimizing and improving your online and media presence, deploying SEO, Account Based Marketing, PR, etc.
  • Preparing marketing material for your sales force and working closely with them to convert qualified leads
  • Creating customer retention and loyalty programs

Our Fractional CMOs Are Process & ROI-Driven

Our Fractional CMOs and teams are process-driven to enable you to scale up – ensuring you have the proper guardrails and strategic oversight to meet your long-term growth needs. Our brand building, lead generation, and conversion processes are outlined below.

The Fractional CMOs will lead, manage, and deliver a return on your investment:

  • The Fractional CMO will manage the day-to-day function of the marketing team.
  • They will work closely with your leadership team and other stakeholders such as the CEOs, CSO, VPs, the Board, and sales force.
  • They will deliver ROI to make sure that it makes sense to continue to invest (or not invest) in each area of the marketing program.

This works because the Fractional CMO and team are highly experienced; they have done it before. They have seen the ups and downs and are equipped to effectively manage marketing departments and work closely with the entire team. They are trained to focus on results and help the company to scale.


Is A Fractional CMO Right For You?

Good marketing builds your brand, creates awareness, generates leads, attracts new customers, and accelerates your growth. Finding a way to do the absolute best marketing you can is critical, especially when times are tight. Hiring a Fractional CMO with a solid execution team may be a smart way to go. Contact us today to start driving growth with a Fractional CMO.

About &Marketing

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’ growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.

What Is A Fractional Marketing Department and Do You Need One?

How Do You Know If You Should Hire A Fractional CMO?

How Do You Know If You Should Hire A Fractional CMO?

&Marketing, and marketing, outsourced marketing strategy

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An expert marketing team led by a highly experienced Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (fCMO) can be the right answer if you are not ready or don’t want to spend the money on a full team. This is ideal for start-ups ready to scale up and small to mid-sized businesses that want to accelerate growth.

5 Signs That You Should Hire A Fractional CMO

Here are five indicators that you may want to hire a Fractional CMO working with a group of subject matter experts. This strategy ensures a data-based marketing plan grounded in a deep understanding of your market, competitors, and customers. It also effectively executes marketing programs and initiatives to give you a better return on your investment.

1. Marketing has merely been a part-time effort.

In many smaller companies and start-ups, the CEO or the sales leaders do marketing “on the side.” They may have some administrative help, but marketing is not a primary focus. They may be sending emails to customers, preparing marketing materials, or even writing blogs, but this is not likely very effective. The messages shared by these marketing efforts tend to be scattered and confusing.

In addition to marketing strategy, our team can help you develop a focused brand image and message that you can effectively communicate through marketing materials with a unified and recognizable brand identity.

2. You are getting ready to invest in marketing.

You may want to hire a Fractional CMO if you believe that an investment in marketing can accelerate your company’s growth trajectory or if you are ready to scale up. Investing in marketing without executive-level leadership and subject matter expertise will reduce your likelihood of success and diminish your return on investment. These teams offer the experience and practices used by larger companies and have experience with a variety of clients and industries.

3. You need a fresh outlook and executive-level insights.

Often companies are stuck within their own walls and ways of doing business. Apply outside perspective in developing and executing marketing strategies and programs to accelerate your growth. Executives with decades of experience in other similar situations can provide insights on what is more likely to work in your business or industry.

4. You need proven processes.

Many companies often deploy a hodgepodge of marketing tactics without a methodical, systematic approach. However, marketing is as much an art as a science. Proven processes that have been repeatedly successful in other situations can dramatically increase your chances of success, usually at a lower cost.

Our teams are highly data-driven and use data on key performance indicators to measure and drive marketing results. Empowering you with a deeper understanding of your market, competition, and current/potential customers is our starting point in developing the right marketing strategies for you. This is followed by execution processes all the way to working with your sales force to ensure that leads generated are quickly followed up.

5. Your business doesn’t need or cannot afford a full-time CMO with subject matter experts for execution.

Many businesses do not need, and cannot afford, a full-time CMO with a large marketing department. An investment like that is a significant commitment and can be expensive, especially for smaller businesses and start-ups. You should commit to this only if it is absolutely necessary. If you hire a Fractional CMO with a solid team, they can deliver the same value for a fraction of the cost.

What Should You Look For In A Fractional CMO?

If you’re wondering what to look for in a Fractional CMO candidate, here are a few characteristics of successful fCMOs:

Focused on developing a holistic strategy.

A successful fCMO has experience across a variety of industries and situations, so they know which winning strategies are likely to work for your business. They also know how to use their leadership skills to guide the execution and deployment of those strategies, ensuring that projects focused on short-term results still tie into the overall strategy. They will also guide you in choosing metrics and KPIs that clearly demonstrate progress toward that strategy.

Can deploy a proven set of execution tactics.

A good fCMO should come prepared with a proven set of winning processes and procedures. They should have the flexibility to tailor those processes to your organization’s unique needs, empowering you with the tools to reach the vision outlined in the overall brand marketing strategy and sustain long-term growth. A modern Fractional CMO also has a working knowledge of the ins and outs of digital marketing.

Serves as a mentor, not just a vendor.

Great fCMOs act as an extension of your team, working “in” the business, fully integrating with a high level of attentiveness and investment in your company’s goals and culture. They focus on results, driving teams to fully close the loop from strategy to execution, ensuring projects are fully realized to the highest level possible.


How To Hire A Fractional CMO

Good marketing builds your brand, creates awareness, generates leads, attracts new customers, and accelerates your growth. Finding a way to do the absolute best marketing you can is critical, especially when times are tight. Hiring a Fractional CMO with a solid execution team may be a smart way to go. Plus, you can add people and capabilities as you grow. At the right time, we will help you transition by developing the right organizational structure while helping you hire the right people. For &Marketing, this transition is a sign that we have been successful. Contact us today to start driving growth with a Fractional CMO.

About &Marketing

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’ growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.