Fractional CMO (fCMO) Overview

Fractional CMO (fCMO) Overview

Fractional CMO (fCMO) Overview

Tap into seasoned marketing experts who can implement a strategic and scalable marketing strategy to accelerate your business growth. 

This download provides a detailed overview of our fractional fCMO services, including:

  • Tailored Marketing Strategies: Learn how our fCMO can develop marketing strategies customized to your business needs.
  • Cost-Effective Leadership: Understand the financial benefits of a fractional fCMO compared to a full-time executive.
  • Expertise and Experience: Discover the wealth of knowledge and industry experience our fCMO brings to your team.
  • Flexible Engagement: Find out how our fCMO services offer flexibility to suit your business’s evolving needs.

Don’t let the lack of a full-time CMO hinder your business’s growth. Use this overview to help decide if a fractional fCMO might be right for your business.

fCMO Survey Results

fCMO Survey Results

2023 Planning: Fractional CMO Challenges Survey Results

Equip yourself with the knowledge, tools and action steps to prepare your business for an uncertain year.

We’re all full of anxiety as we map out the next year. However, with a solid plan and strategy in place, you can meet your goals and grow your business in 2023 with more confidence and ease.

Our C-suite level network is sharing the obstacles, trends, and predictions across industries.

We recently surveyed a cross section of our Fractional CMOs and partners on what they are seeing in the marketplace as companies prepare for 2023.

The same responses showed up consistently, with five key areas consistently keeping business leaders up at night as unpredictability continues to become our new normal.

Download the eBook below to dig into how trends like inflation, staffing challenges, strategy, messaging, data overload, and revenue roadblocks are showing up for your colleagues. We also offer suggestions on how to confront these head-on so you can set your teams up for success.

Business Intelligence & Analytics: The Compass that Directs Your Marketing Roadmap

Business Intelligence & Analytics: The Compass that Directs Your Marketing Roadmap

Business Intelligence & Analytics: The Compass that Directs Your Marketing Roadmap

Learn how to make faster and more strategic business and marketing decisions

Our advanced approach to business and marketing strategy and execution drives decisions rooted in data, not doubt. With Business Intelligence & Analytics, you can create intentional and informed marketing and business plans with concrete data that tells the story of where your customers are, what they want, and how you can reach them.

After you read our free eBook, check out &Marketing’s Business Intelligence & Analytics page to stay on top of the latest trends, tips, and tricks.

5 Ways Business Intelligence & Analytics Will Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy

5 Ways Business Intelligence & Analytics Will Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy

Free eBook: 5 Ways Business
Intelligence & Analytics Will
Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy

Learn how to make faster and more strategic business and marketing decisions rooted in data, not doubt.

20 years ago, it was nearly impossible to prove the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing efforts. With minimal data and a digital marketing landscape that was still in its infancy, the metrics you could derive from campaigns were rudimentary at best. Today’s landscape, however, has dramatically changed due to the rise and continued evolution of digital technology. We now have a wealth of data at our fingertips from all marketing channels. With the right strategies and tools, we can combine this data and transform it into actionable insights, which is known as business intelligence (BI). BI helps us be smarter about the strategies and tactics we choose, and how we execute them. It also enables us to demonstrate marketing ROI.

This FREE eBook will show you how to use BI & Analytics to:

  • Understand your audience on a deeper level by analyzing their online behavior
  • Identify and correct wasted digital advertising spend in minutes (hint: you could be wasting up to 33% of your budget – what would you do with that extra money?)
  • Attract qualified leads to your website with an advanced SEO strategy
  • Revitalize your direct mail strategy and generate significant results (Hint: direct mail is not dead)
  • Create content that converts (and be able to prove it!)

After you read our free eBook, check out &Marketing’s Business Intelligence & Analytics page to stay on top of the latest trends, tips, and tricks.

About &Marketing One-Pager

About &Marketing One-Pager

About &Marketing One-Pager

At &Marketing, we believe you should have access to the coordination and focus of a dedicated marketing team, without the complexity and cost. Download this PDF to learn more about our differentiators:

  • Business & Marketing Strategy
  • Business Intelligence & Analytics
  • Storytelling & Branding
  • Marketing Planning & Execution