Gratefulness: Reflecting On 2019 And Looking Ahead To 2020

Written By &Marketing

On November 26, 2019

To clients, partners, team members, advisors, and other friends of &Marketing


As the close of 2019 is upon us, we want to use this opportunity to reflect on the story that our company has written this year, and since the beginning of &Marketing just a couple of years ago. Our story is filled with several different chapters — from ones about learning, challenges, and growth, to perseverance, partnerships, and successes! However, the one common thread in every chapter is how we deeply care about our work, our people, and our clients’ successes.

We at &Marketing are truly grateful for the trust you have placed in us this year, and we thank you for being part of our story. Working with you has allowed us to challenge ourselves to ensure we are supporting your business in a way that makes us better, both at our jobs and as people.

Thanksgiving is an excellent time to reflect  – ups and downs, adventures and surprises, challenges, and successes. This past year has taught us so much and we are full of gratitude.    

During 2019 &Marketing had the privilege of partnering with a nonprofit organization, The Kind Like Joey Foundation. Joey’s legacy was one of kindness – which we embrace as a business practice and as a personal mantra. While the foundation offers many ways of advocating acts of kindness, one activity is promoting ‘Kindness day’ on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving to encourage people to perform a random act of kindness in their community in Joey’s honor. We love participating in this day and hope you will consider incorporating it into your annual Thanksgiving tradition too. You can learn more on their Facebook page or website. 

We also got our team together for our first in person team meeting in Indianapolis, IN.  We not only enjoyed finally meeting people with whom we have worked for 2 years in many cases, but we also used the session to develop our 2020 plans and collaborate.  Read more about our team meeting here.  

THANK YOU for being a part of our exciting 2019 story.  We hope your story this year has been filled with all things wonderful, and we wish you the best this holiday season.  Find time to relax and reflect. Here’s to an amazing final chapter of this year and a successful 2020!


Our company culture is one of the most important aspects of our business. We’ve taken that culture, along with what we’ve learned from one another, to create an eBook that contains a marketing word or phrase that best represents us for each letter of the alphabet.

About &Marketing

In today’s fast paced world, many growing businesses are struggling to modernize their marketing approaches because either they don’t have the expertise or the bandwidth to do it themselves.

&Marketing provides seasoned marketing strategy professionals and a nimble execution team to help our clients achieve their goals. Our unique partnership model allows us to augment our client’s existing teams or outsource the entire marketing function in an affordable, flexible, and transparent way.