Webinar: How to Digitize Your Business Post-Pandemic – With Rajat Kapur, Erica Quigley, and Bob Pozesky

Written By &Marketing

On June 30, 2020

How is your business plan adjusting post-pandemic?

If you don’t know yet, ask yourself these two questions:

  1. How well have I adjusted my internally and externally facing systems?
  2. How well did your response to the pandemic stack up against competitors? 

Savvy business leaders know there is always room for improvement – especially when it comes to digitizing, creating better processes to streamline internal workflow and improving customer experiences. While making these types of changes can sound daunting and expensive, it doesn’t have to be. The long term benefits are worth the investment, and getting started on the right foot can make all the difference. 

Digitizing operations can improve all parts of a business, from sales and marketing to internal operations and cash flow. When HR, communications, project management, operations, supply chain finance, sales, and marketing all work together, the result is improved efficiency that  makes a tangible impact on the bottom line.

To help you get a clear understanding of what digitization can do for your business as you reevaluate your 2020 strategy, we hosted a webinar that you can view anytime. Our managing director, Rajat Kapur, was joined by Bob Pozesky of RKL and Erica Quigley of Poka-Yoke Solutions to discuss:

  • How technology can optimize your customer’s experience and internal operations
  • How to set a clear vision for digitizing key functions of your business

  • How to track progress towards digitization efforts

  • What risks and challenges you’ll face along the way 

  • How to tell what activities are driving revenue

Watch the full recording by clicking the button below. 

About Rajat Kapur 

As the Founder and Managing Director of &Marketing, Raj strives to provide growing businesses of all sizes unparalleled marketing strategy and execution services. Raj brings two decades of professional experience in marketing, sales, and strategy development experience spanning B2B and B2C Fortune 50, mid-sized, and startups.

About Erica Quigley

Erica Quigley is the founder and managing director of Poka-Yoke Solutions and author of Business Process Flow Mapping, Succinctly. She specializes in creating cohesiveness across company departments through efficiency and technology. Erica was previously the Director of Global Supply at FreedomPay where she built the supply chain infrastructure to support their global expansion. For further information about Erica and Poke-Yoke Solutions, please visit https://www.ericaq.com/ .

About Bob Pozesky

Robert E. Pozesky leads RKL’s Operations Consulting Practice and the firm’s Manufacturing & Distribution Industry Group. Bob helps clients ranging from small family businesses to Fortune 100 companies accelerate business transformation and growth through improved execution.

About &Marketing

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.