&Marketing Case Study: Using Organic SEO to Increase Brand Awareness in Saas Marketing

Business Challenge Summary

RB Solutions is a B2B point of sale software service, focusing on the pool and spa and chimney and hearth industries. In late 2019, RB began looking to further its overall awareness in the marketplace and generate leads to advance new business initiatives. More specifically, RB wanted to improve their SEO and develop a longer-term content strategy. At the time, RB already had a blog in place, but they believed those posts were not being leveraged effectively or seen by enough target decision-makers to drive leads. They needed to drive more brand awareness and get more eyes on their content and unique industry offering.


&Marketing’s SaaS Marketing Approach

Based on the challenge of an insufficient SEO and keyword strategy, &Marketing provided a full Business Intelligence Analysis in order to create a detailed roadmap that would lead them to gain more traction and recognition online within their industry. This analysis outlined the following:

  • Competitive keyword strategy for SEO, content, digital advertising, and social media
  • SEO/keyword analysis to identify words and phrases for focus and to:
    • Identify technical SEO opportunities (i.e. page level SEO)
    • Inform SEO opportunities for content (long tail keywords or ‘people also ask’)
  • Digital competitive landscape for key terms (traditional and nontraditional competitors)
  • Opportunities to differentiate within the competitive landscape
  • Monthly reporting and analytics set up with Google Data Studio and Search Console for monthly analysis and tracking (focused on traffic, SEO, and goal completions)

Based on our Business Intelligence Analysis, we created a monthly content distribution strategy, mapping it on one central calendar, to help grow their brand awareness. The calendar featured SEO optimized content, including thought leadership articles, testimonials, an eBook, a microsite, infographics, etc. to be created and distributed through multiple channels.

We enabled them to lean in on thought leadership, positioning themselves as experts in their field through the use of various pieces of content. Each month we provided two blogs and an email in order to help increase consumer engagement and awareness. This allowed them to compete better against online retailers sharing similar keyword search markets, creating an opportunity for RB to take a bigger share of the online share of voice within their industry.


As a result of these actions, RB saw significant increases in their digital presence, awareness, and overall goal completions. We saw the following outcomes:

  • Goal completions increased from 235% in entirety
  • 2019 to 2021 – 235% growth in lead gen
  • 2019 to 2021 – 100% increase in organic traffic
  • 2020 —> 2019 – 25% increase in traffic
  • 2020 —> 2019 – 6% increase in organic traffic
  • 2020 —> 2019 – 204% growth in lead gen
  • 2021 —> 2020 – 27% increase in traffic
  • 2021 —> 2020 – 88% increase in organic traffic
  • 2021 —> 2020 – 10% growth in lead gen

Are you facing challenges of your own in your SaaS marketing?

&Marketing can help improve your organic SEO strategy and increase your brand awareness through a combination of a comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) Analysis and robust content marketing plan.

BI helps us get smarter about the strategies and tactics we choose, and how we execute them. It also enables us to demonstrate marketing ROI. You can learn more about BI and how it can revolutionize your marketing strategy by downloading our eBook below.

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’s growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.

About &Marketing:

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.