Initial Marketing Analysis
An unbiased review of your marketing tactics can bring new insights to your team to boost your marketing efforts.
What is an IMA?
Successful marketing in today’s fast paced world requires reviewing marketing activity on an ongoing basis to identify opportunities. Companies unaware of their blind spots routinely fail to address critical marketing problems, and often lose out on growth opportunities in the process. An unbiased review of your marketing tactics can bring new insights to your team to boost your marketing efforts.
At &Marketing, we pride ourselves on staying up-to-date on marketing best practices; we’re always looking for ways to improve marketing campaigns and identify opportunities. We are pleased to offer our Initial Marketing Analysis as surface level report covering core digital marketing elements of any business.
The Initial Marketing Analysis contains three sections that can give a company an unbiased perspective on opportunity areas: SEO & Organic Traffic Analysis, Website Review, Social Media Review, and a competitive website review.

SEO Keyword and Organic Traffic Analysis
Traffic comes to your website brings from searches on Google. Often, companies rank high for searches containing their brand or company names. However, many smaller or medium sized companies fail to rank for important keywords related to their products or services. Top performing websites drive organic website traffic from a broad set of keywords and important phrases.
In our Initial Marketing Analysis, we cover the top keyword phrases searched on Google that drive traffic to your website. Our team pulls a report covering all keywords and assesses whether there is opportunity to hone in on new keywords or attempt to improve traffic and ranking on existing keywords.

Website Review
In today’s world, a website is the digital business card for your brand. Most of the time, SMBs have a basic website, but may lack features to either keep people on the site, collect visitor’s information, or keep prospects returning for new information. A high performing website will have a frequently updated content section and educational information about their products / services.
&Marketing’s initial marketing analysis provides insights on the design and structure of your website, pointing out positive attributes and opportunities to help improve your target audience’s experience and identifies key areas where improvement may help drive further business results.

Social Media Review
In today’s connected world, social media is an excellent avenue to quickly engage with your online audience. The upkeep for a successful social media account requires weekly, if not daily, attention and should be utilized as part of a broader marketing mix. Most often, social media accounts are best utilized when there are frequent updates, with attractive imagery and links back your website.
Our Initial Marketing Analysis covers the basics of which social media accounts your company utilizes and which platforms may be beneficial for generating business results . The report also reviews potential room for improvement on social accounts (likes, followers, etc) and the posts that have been previously made to the account. It’s a common mistake for smaller businesses to believe that “my customers don’t use social media” because in almost every case, this is incorrect.

Competitive Analysis
In today’s digital world, it’s crucial to know whether your competition is outpacing you or falling behind. Competitors can also be a good barometer to improve your own marketing efforts. Often, marketing strategy and execution can be improved by simply reviewing competitor tactics and making appropriate adjustments
As part of the Initial Marketing Analysis, our team will quickly assess 2-3 key competitors to provide insights on possible improvements in your marketing efforts. Our Initial Marketing Analysis will let you know how well – or how poorly – your competitors are doing on the core digital marketing elements.

Initial Marketing Analysis
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